What happened in Puttaparthi on the Day when Mahatma Gandhi was Assassinated?

Friday, January 30, 1948

On the afternoon of the 30th of January, Baba led a few people to the Chitravati river. He ran back to the Mandir all of a sudden and bolted the door. He stepped in and out of His room intermittently until 7:30 pm.

When He finally came out, He told the devotees that a great soul had passed away. After a couple of days, one of the devotees read in ‘The Hindu’ (a daily newspaper) that Mahatma Gandhi, The Father of the Nation, had been assassinated in New Delhi at about 5:30 pm, on the 30th of January. It happened almost at the same time that Baba behaved in a strange manner on the 30th.


  1. Sairam Sirs. I dont that. Many thanks for posting this item. I am helpless to express
    my feelings. I am feeling I missed a lot
    whenever I had darshan. I am feeling happy to learn all these things atleast now a people say better late than never. Bit, much of my life is wasted. I request you kindly see that all the children are taught about the GOD at the beginning itself. Many thanks. I am now 70 plus.

  2. sairam sir

    its the same feeling I have I am 48 and came into sai fold at 39 age .

    feeling that I have wasted 20 years

  3. Feeling blessed after reading about swami post.My pranam at lotus feet of swami.

  4. Swami answered the calling of Gandhiji's Hay-Ram in that manner so far i believe.

  5. Wow.... Very rare information, what happened on that day... Thank you Sairam..... πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒΉ


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