Divine Interactions with Sri Sathya Sai – By Sri Krishna

Swami has various means of interacting with His devotees. His physical interaction is rare and our family is blessed to have receive...

“When I am there, there is no Emergency…”

Wednesday, July 26, 2000 After the evening interview… Swami : (Showing the list of names of people who are going to part...

Dharma and its Role in Business: Sri Sathya Sai Paradigm

There is no virtue greater than Dharma. There are four types of Dharma [i]:  i. Vyakti Dharma (individual/personal ethics),  ii. Gri...

Sri Sathya Sai Addresses The Management Development Programme

Monday, July 22, 1991 to  Thursday, July 25, 1991 Bhagavan inaugurated a four-day Management Development Programme in the Instit...

I Will Sing…

Lord You Seem So Far Away A Million Miles Or More It Feels Today And Though I Haven’t Lost My Faith I Must Confess Right Now ...

What are the consequences of over-eating?

There was once a rich man. He had no work other than eating and sleeping. Due to overeating, however, he started suffering from in...

Gratitude to Sri Sathya Sai - By Manoj Gadi Prakash

When I look back into the corridors of my memory lane, I see many events and incidents which have contributed both to my happiness...

“Swami… I want Interview…”

Thursday, July 20, 2000 During the evening Darshans, a Primary School student (P. Student) asked Bhagavan… P. Student : Swami,...
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