Conversations with the Avatar on Avatar Declaration Day…

Sri Sathya Sai in Sai Kulwant Hall Friday, October 20, 2000 Swami came for the evening Darshan at 3.00 pm. When Swami came near th...

"What should be the True Purpose behind gaining Professional Education?" - Sri Sathya Sai

Normally the covert aim of pursuing an MBA programme is to secure an attractive job that lends scope for one to enjoy power, position,...

Janula Madhya Thirugaade Jagapati… When the Lord moves in our midst...

Janula Madhya Thirugaade Jagapati Jadulu Theliyagalare Nee Sangati Harivo Mari Harudavo Evvadaina Nemi Andarini Bangaaru Yen...

The Purest Type of Food

Sathya Sai Speaks Today, man is making heroic attempts to enjoy bliss. All the actions he undertakes are for enjoyment. But bliss ca...

The Pre-Destined Call from Sri Sathya Sai – By Ramesh Sabnani

Having had the opportunity to stay at the lotus feet of Lord for many years, studying in His College and performing His work, one usuall...

“Are students taking regular bath?”

Saturday, October 14, 2000 Swami came for the evening Darshan at 3.00 pm. After the interview, Swami came to the Ganesh portico ...

Sri Sathya Sai Guidelines for Mind Management

See no evil — see what is good. Speak no evil — speak what is good. Hear no evil — hear what is good. Think of no evil — think w...

When the Anantapur Drinking Water Supply Project was handed over to the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

Sri Sathya Sai addressing the gathering in Sai Kulwant Hall at Prasanthi Nilayam Saturday, October 11, 1997 On this day, a funct...

This is the Rhythm of Life

This Is The   Rhythm Of Life  To Bring The World Together And To Love One And All  Forever And Ever   (2) Swami To Live ...

Sri Sathya Sai gives us ‘The Essence of the Four Vedas’ – Part 2

… Continued from Part 1 Tat Twam Asi ‘Tat Twam Asi’ , That Thou Art, is the holy declaration of the Sama Veda. Tat (That) w...
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