… Continued from Part 1
On 27th July, 2007, the second day’s proceedings of the Conference commenced after the Divine Darshan of Bhagavan in Sai Kulwant Hall at 9 am. Three speakers, Sri Shashank Shah, Research Scholar, Sri Sathya Sai University, Ms. Alma Berra of Argentina and Mr. Jermy Hoffer of U.S.A. addressed the delegates. The morning session concluded with Bhajans and Mangala Aarati was offered to Bhagavan at 10.40 am. Prasadam was distributed to all.
Sri Shashank Shah addressed the World Sai Youth |
On the afternoon of 28th July, 2007, the Valedictory Function of the Conference was held in the Divine presence of Bhagavan in Sai Kulwant Hall. At the outset, International Youth Coordinator of Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Sri Shitu Chudasama expressed gratitude to Bhagavan for the wonderful opportunity granted by Him to youth from different parts of the world. He also presented at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan the summary of the proceedings of four workshops held during these three days. Following his talk, Dr. Narendra Reddy, Director, Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation and Dr. Michael Goldstein, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation addressed the gathering.
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Alma Berra from Argentina addresses the World Sai Youth |
Thereafter, Bhagavan blessed the delegates with His Valedictory Address. He said:
“You need not pay heed to whatever people may say. Purity of consciousness is the fruition of knowledge. It is only when your consciousness is pure that you will attain wisdom. Purity of the mind is of utmost importance. Keep your mind pure, free from all kinds of pollution. Whenever evil thoughts enter your mind, remind yourself, “This is not good; this is not mine; not mine,” and drive away those evil thoughts. Tell yourself, “These are all not my property; my property is good thoughts and good ideas only.” Constantly remember the truth that love is God. Live in love. If you can cultivate such positive and noble thoughts, everything will turn out to be good for you.
There are several people here who are deluded by ephemeral things. No doubt, you are pure at heart. You have only pure thoughts. But, certain amount of pollution sets in now and then. You must ensure that it does not happen. That is Sadhana for you. What is Sadhana? Is it sitting in meditation and doing Japa (recitation of God’s name)? No. This is not Sadhana. What do you think is the meaning of meditation? You think it is sitting in a lonely place and contemplating on the Lord’s name. Not at all! Contemplate upon the pure thoughts in your mind. Contemplate on the Truth in you. If you really wish to know the secret of Sadhana, it can be explained through very simple methods. For example, make your mind steady and still for as short a period as eleven seconds. You can attain realisation even in such a short period. Realisation cannot be achieved by becoming restless like a clock. Just eleven seconds of stillness of mind would be enough. But you don’t do even that. You can achieve a lot during this period. Hence, do not trouble yourself unnecessarily.
You are, at present, putting your body to a lot of trouble. You are wasting a lot of money too. Time waste is life waste. Money waste is an evil. Hence, do not waste money and time. Time is God and God is Time. Hence, whenever you find time, think of Swami. I will certainly appear before you. Not only that, I will even talk to you. I am receiving several letters saying that Swami has appeared before them and talked to them. You can also do such Sadhana. Develop such unflinching faith in Swami. You will surely succeed in your Sadhana. Several people have come here as devotees. They have, no doubt, deep devotion towards Swami. But, what is devotion? What is the hallmark of a devotee? This has to be analysed first. First and foremost, you have to develop faith. Where there is faith, there is love; Where there is love, there is truth; Where there is truth; there God is. Truth is God. You need not have to make any special efforts to know Truth. In fact, eleven seconds are enough to realise truth. You just contemplate in your mind for a period of eleven seconds on Truth and you will be able to have God’s Darshan.
You are unnecessarily taxing your body by sitting for hours together in meditation. At the end, you are suffering from pain in legs and hands and back ache. Do not give scope for such painful joints. You ultimately land in a doctor’s clinic who will diagnose your trouble as rheumatic pains. They are not rheumatic pains at all. They are the result of misguided Sadhana. Stick to the time schedule of eleven seconds and you will have no pain. In addition, you also have timely food. With regard to food, you have to know certain subtle things and observe some restrictions. You should not consume non-vegetarian food like meat and fish. In fact, foreigners are used to non-vegetarian food only. This type of food causes diseases like cancer. Hence, give up such food, totally. Not only that. They also like cheese very much. The more you consume cheese, the weaker you become. You should not also take milk in excess quantity. Too much milk is very bad. It should be in limit. The milk should be diluted with water in equal proportion. Same is the case with curd. It should not be thick. It should be semi-solid. Thus, you have to control the food you eat daily. Proper food at proper time is very much necessary for contemplating on God.
If you thus take proper food and observe discipline in your habits, you are sure to have God’s Darshan at that very moment. You need not have to undertake rigorous Sadhana for months and years. You can always be blissful. Bliss is the form of God. You desire to have bliss. But, from where do you get bliss? From a shop in the market? Or by having a sumptuous meal with a variety of dishes in a hotel? No, not at all! Bliss has to come from within. You are, in fact, the embodiment of bliss. You were blissful at the time of your birth. But, once you started developing attachment with the world, you began crying. Hence, you have to reduce your worldly attachments. You are at present having a lot of attachment with the world. Thereby, you are weakening your body. Ultimately you will end up in sorrow. Worry is a very bad quality. Hurry, worry and curry – these three together make the heart very weak. Hence, keep them at a distance.
Whenever you are in difficulties, you just assure yourself that these are passing clouds and will move away and therefore you will not be worried. Whatever comes, has to go. They are momentary. Same is the case with the human body. Hence, you have to give importance to the body only to the extent required. The body has to be maintained within proper limits. Otherwise, it will decay. You have to be very careful. Those who are engaged in Sadhana and wish to have the Darshan, Sparshan and Sambhashan (vision, touch and conversation) with God, must follow My advice in this regard. You are sure to have His Darshan and can even talk to Him.”
Explaining the origin of creation, Bhagavan said that the entire Universe emerged from the truth which was embodied in God. Bhagavan here materialised a Hiranyagarbha Linga and asked “Who else can manifest such pure consciousness?” Bhagavan expressed His happiness on the gathering of such a large number of youth from all parts of the world. He said, “I am extremely happy to see you all here. This is your good fortune.”
Bhagavan showered His blessings on all delegates and exhorted them to lead a happy, peaceful life.
Bhagavan showered His blessings on all delegates and exhorted them to lead a happy, peaceful life.
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Music Programme by World Sai Youth |
During the Valedictory Function of the Youth Conference, the overseas delegates from three countries presented a music concert in the Divine Presence. The programme entitled, ‘European Music Programme’ comprised devotional songs in German, Russian, Polish, Latvian, Italian and Czech languages. Bhagavan blessed the artistes and gifted them wrist watches. The proceedings of the Youth Conference concluded with this befitting grand finale of musical presentation. Mangala Arati was offered to Bhagavan at 6.15 pm.
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