Showing posts with label Avatar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avatar. Show all posts

Sri Sathya Sai on: Leelas of Krishna

Balarama and Krishna were in the habit of taking the other cowherd boys with their cows for grazing in the forest near Gokulam. Once the...

Sri Sathya Sai on: Leelas of Bala Krishna

The Leelas of Krishna are beyond the comprehension of anyone, however, scholarly or wise. His movement, His walk, His talk, His smile, H...

Sri Sathya Sai on: What can we learn from Avatars?

Sri Sathya Sai at Brindavan When we read the lives of Avatars and when we are told such stories, we should learn their ideals and pu...

Sri Sathya Sai on: Why does an Avatar descend?

The Descent of God is for the Ascent of Man When the Divine comes down as Avatar – whether it be as Rama or as Krishna, Matsya (fish),...
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