Conversations with Sri Sathya Sai on: Who is a truly educated person?

Saturday, November 4, 2000 

Today after morning Darshan, most of the students went to Kothacheruvu town for the distribution of Prasadam and clothes. In the evening after the interview, Swami came to the Ganesh portico and enquired from the teachers about the Seva activity. When the Warden mentioned the name of a village…

Swami: It is Parvathamma’s (Swami’s sister) in-laws village. Her grandson studied M.B.A. in our College. (While discussing about the Grama Seva, Swami said) Some villagers explain, some others inspire and some complain. (Contrasting the educated with the uneducated village folk, Swami said) Educated people have spoiled mind. They have doubts from head to toe.

B. Warden : Swami, because of desires.
Swami: Desires… Monkey desires. They don’t have humility.

Prof. A. K.: They have the feeling: ‘I am special’.

Swami: Ahamkaram (ego). (Then Swami went on to describe the story of Chanakya, an Indian teacher, philosopher and royal advisor belonging to the second and third century BC, he authored the ancient Indian political treatise called ‘Artha Shastra’ and is considered to be the pioneer of the field of Economics and Political Science in India.) 
Educated people do not have Pavitrata (purity). 
(Prof. Anil Kumar asked a question whether all educated people are like that. For this Swami said) 
A truly educated man behaves well and does not have ego. But those who are partially educated (half-knowledge) have ego. Because of that they become low.

Prof. A. K.: Swami, they have the ego of being educated.
Swami: A fully educated man would have Sama Darshanam (equanimity). But a partially educated man will have Vakra Darshanam (crooked vision). There was a Vyakarana Pandit (scholar in grammar).

Prof. A. K.: Swami, Panini.

Swami: Yes, Panini. He wrote grammar. Bhaskara wrote Ganita-Shastra (Mathematics). (Then Swami narrated the story of Ashtavakra, a sage mentioned in the Bharatiya scriptures, he is described as one born with eight different deformities of the body. He was the author of the work ‘Ashtavakra Gita’, a treatise on the instruction by him to King Janaka about the Self.) He got the bent body because of the Shapam (curse) given by his father. It is not due to Papam (sin). There is difference between Shapam and Papam. Tell boys what I have told. Prof. Anil Kumar repeated aloud (in English) whatever Swami spoke, the story of Chanakya and Ashtavakra. Swami then gave a talk. It resembled the experience that students have in Trayee Brindavan. The discourse can be accessed hereAfter the discourse, the conversation continued… 

Teacher: Swami, by doing Grama Seva, we are getting true education.

Swami: Yes, real education. Children are working whole-heartedly. (Again about pronunciation) When students do some mistake they say that they have committed a mistake. Actually it is not mistake but ‘miss + take’. Boys do not have good pronunciation. But they say Swami does not pronounce properly.

Prof. A. K.: They never think like that, Swami.

Swami: They also pronounce the word ‘Master’ wrongly. It is ‘Maaster’ and not ‘Mas-ter’. (Swami articulated the right pronunciation.) Master the mind, be a mastermind. When does one become a master? When one has total control of senses. If there is no control, he will not be a master. He becomes a slave. Only such a Master (the one with sense control) is a man. Others have no right to call themselves to be a man.

Prof. A. K.: Swami, I was thinking that by wearing this kind of dress we are masters.

Swami: No. Not by dress or by collecting information or by form (physical appearance) one becomes a master. He is not at all a man, who doesn’t have control over his senses. He is an animal. Einstein also said the same, “I am not an animal. I am a man.” (Swami looked at His wrist) Why has the music not yet begun?

B. Warden : Since Swami was talking, they didn’t want to disturb.

Swami: No. Let the Bhajans begin.

It was already past 5.30 pm. After Bhajans Swami retired to His Poornachandra residence.

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