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Sri Sathya Sai, Revered Founder Chancellor, Sri Sathya Sai University |
… Continued from Part 9
Sri Sathya Sai Baba inaugurated the Business Programme at the Institute on 21st August 1986 in the Institute auditorium at the Prasanthi Nilayam campus. On that eventful morning, he outlined the following in his discourse:
Prasanthi Nilayam Campus of the University where the School of Business Management was first inaugurated in August 1986 |
“In the Sai University, we are attaching special importance to cultural and ethical values. Among these, the primary place is being given to ‘Indian Ethos and Values’. The Management Programme in this Institute would emphasise on Indian Economic Environment, Personnel Management, Organisational Behaviour and Business Communication. Emphasis will be laid on Man Management and human values. The use of computers will be an integral part of the course. In our University, we want to turn out ‘Masters in Man Management’. The students should develop a broad outlook and prepare themselves to serve different sectors in the society with sincerity and dedication. They must set an example in morality, and bring credit to the country by their work and contribution to the development of the nation.”
What is the meaning of management? According to Baba, it is Man Management. If a human being lives like a true human, personifying ideal human qualities, he can manage everything else. If the mind is spoiled, one cannot manage anything. People should focus on people skills and as such, top priority should be given to Man Management. Baba always stresses that if one manages oneself, then one can manage everything else. Therefore, people should first manage themselves. Thoughts appear like mountains. People have negative and dysfunctional thoughts tormenting them all the time. If one is a true human being, one should not provide scope for this. At the time when one gets such undesirable thoughts, one should reflect thus, ‘I am human’. Then, the bad thoughts would vanish like passing clouds. Individuals should correct themselves with internal motivation and self-drive. One should broaden that which is the prime of all, and the prime of all things is the spiritual heart. Preaching is the simplest, while practicing is the toughest of all things. The greatest of all human pursuits is ‘knowing oneself’.
Baba wishes that the students of the Sai Institute not only develop into role models with a strong character, but also influence the nation’s industry and commerce, and provide a values orientation to the entire range of business activities. This hallowed motto is conveyed in the Management programme’s vision and mission statements:
Vision of the Management Programme
To prepare change agents who will influence the organisation and people around them through personal example, exemplary conduct and dedicated selfless service along with professional competence.
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Mission of the Business School at Sri Sathya Sai University
Mission of the Management Programme
To develop dedicated, dynamic, professionally sound and socially responsible managers/leaders of wholesome and balanced personality, academically equipped as well as spiritually aware; who embody noble values, and above all, possess a right and positive attitude with an unblemished character.
According to Baba, there is limited use in teaching courses like Banking, Marketing and Finance in the beginning before exposing the students to the following aspects. One should become familiar with the process as to how people are expected to work in conventional organisations. There is a need to examine the differences between the work-cultures here (prevailing and expected work ethic at Sri Sathya Sai Institute) and elsewhere (conventional institutions and organisations located in other parts of the country and world). People in routine institutions usually do things for external compliance, for the satisfaction of the Drushti (external observance), whereas here (in Sai Institutions) people are expected to do it to satisfy one’s own conscience (internal compliance), which is very fundamental. The former focuses only on lower order needs (physiological), whereas the latter focuses on true higher order needs (psychological). Baba always calls attention to the truth that the body is like a water bubble. The mind is like a mad monkey. One should not follow the body; not follow the mind; but follow one’s conscience.
There are four aspects for an ideal life: 1) physical aspect 2) emotional aspect 3) intellectual aspect and 4) spiritual aspect. These should be regarded as the four pillars of life. Baba always felt that after giving this clarity to the students, subsequently other minor courses (subjects) can be taught to them. This is the object (aspects concerning self-improvement), whereas, that is the subject (aspects concerning the environment). Object is the foundation, whereas the subject is a super structure. Subject is the elevation and as such it is not the foundation. People sometimes get carried away by the elevation, forgetting that the elevation depends on the foundation. Hence, the foundation is very important.
Very interesting to read Swami's words about 'management'. The Sarva dharma stupa has a spiritual significance as well.