Monday, May 20, 1991 to Sunday, June 02, 1991
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Sri Sathya Sai at the Summer Course |
The Summer Course in Indian Culture and Spirituality was held at Brindavan between the 20th of May and the 2nd of June 1991. The Course was open only to the former and the then current students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. Bhagavan, accompanied by the Governor of Karnataka, Sri Khurshed Alam Khan, arrived at the College Auditorium on 20th morning. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sampath, welcomed them. The function commenced with Vedic chants. The Governor lit the lamp and inaugurated the Summer Course and delivered his inaugural address. Bhagavan then delivered His Inaugural Discourse:
“The world is ruled by science and technology. First, scientists have made astonishing strides in the fields of plastics, electronics and computers, atomic power and space research. Satellites have been sent into space. Boundless time, effort, and money is spent on the investigation of atomic power, but there is no corresponding benefit. In the anxiety to exceed each other’s achievements, scientists have set aside morality and human values. Second, we have political and financial turmoil. Men quarrel and wage wars on the basis of religion and nationality. Attachment to family and power is unrestrained. Regional differences and hatred are dividing the sacred and ancient land of Bharat (India) into pieces. Violent agitations by students have grown beyond limits. Science has become all-important and morality has declined. What is the cause of such retrograde progress in these two aspects?
What must humanity desire today? We need virtuous, selfless boys and girls. We need heroes who are ready to sacrifice for the welfare of the motherland. Unfortunately, people wrongly expect happiness from wealth and comforts. Truly, worldly objects bestow no happiness. If one feels joy in their midst, it is only temporary. Chhatrapati Shivaji had no dearth of wealth and power. Then what is the significance in his surrendering to Samartha Ramdas and requesting his guidance? King Janaka also abounded in material prosperity. Then why did he seek refuge with Sage Yagnavalkya? Since ancient times, even the most powerful emperors of India have approached penniless renunciates to earn peace and security. Peace, the prime need of man, is available only through Knowledge of the Self…
Students should make use of their knowledge for the service of the motherland instead of going abroad to earn high income. Bharatiya Sanskruti has esteemed the mother and the motherland as greater than heaven itself. Loving service to parents, reverence towards elders, and respectful behaviour towards everyone are the marks of Indian Culture. Students of the Sai Institute should exemplify these traits in their conduct wherever they may be.”
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The Revered Chancellor, Sri Sathya Sai with Students at the entrance of the Brindavan Campus Hostel before they leave for the Summer Course sessions to the Campus Auditorium |
Bhagavan’s Discourses on all evenings of the course were illuminating expositions of man’s quest for God from the earliest times to the golden period of Sages and Rishis. The full text of these Discourses can be accessed here.
There were 22 guest-speakers drawn from different walks of life. An important aspect of this year’s Course was that Bhagavan gave opportunities to the students and teachers to speak during the afternoon sessions about their personal experiences after coming to Bhagavan. Bhagavan showered His Blessings on the students. He delivered His Valedictory Address on 2nd June. Highlighting the grandeur of Indian culture He said:
There were 22 guest-speakers drawn from different walks of life. An important aspect of this year’s Course was that Bhagavan gave opportunities to the students and teachers to speak during the afternoon sessions about their personal experiences after coming to Bhagavan. Bhagavan showered His Blessings on the students. He delivered His Valedictory Address on 2nd June. Highlighting the grandeur of Indian culture He said:
“Indian culture and spirituality is full of Dharma. Dharma is the guiding light, our life-breath. What is Dharma? That which bears its own qualities is Dharma (Dharayate Iti Dharmah). This statement is not elaborate enough. In every object, there is a life force, an identifying quality. Consider fire. What does fire bear? Fire bears heat and light. We can identify fire only when it has heat and light. Without these qualities, it may be charcoal but not fire! So what is the Dharma of fire? Heat and light. Take ice. What is its nature? You may say it is white in colour. But fully burned coal is white also! Ice is cold. Next, take sugar. What is the Dharma of sugar? Sweetness. Without sweetness, it could be salt! The Dharma of fire is heat and light. The Dharma of ice is cold. The Dharma of sugar is sweetness. In the same way, what is the Dharma of humanity? It is sacrifice born out of truth and morality. How must it be practised and demonstrated? Through unity and purity in thought, word, and deed (Trikarana Shuddhi). Human qualities flourish when the thoughts you entertain, the words you speak, and the deeds you do are in harmony. Without such unity, dharma is absent, education has lost its value, and the prosperity of the nation is in jeopardy. There is no security or justice.
Everything is based on money, money, money. Money has undermined morality. The wealth earned by trodding upon morality is no more valuable than mud! Such wealth cannot endure or grant happiness. Does hoarded money give you happiness? No, no. Bees gather honey from numerous flowers and store them in a hive. The beekeeper kills the bees with smoke or hot water and confiscates the honey. Similarly, wealth earned through unrighteous means slips through our grasp. There are four thieves after your money. The first is the government. On some pretext or other, they tax you or raid your house. The second thief is fire. Accidents of fire consume money earned through unrighteous means. The third is burglars. The moment you become wealthy, you invite the attention of burglars. The burglar makes intricate plans to lighten your burden of treasure! The fourth is disease. When unjust wealth is destined to be lost, disease appears in the body. The miser who is reluctant to bestow a single coin to a beggar willingly donates millions to doctors who promise health. Unrighteous wealth leaks away in one of these ways…
Students! Don’t waste all your time on worldly concerns. Use some time for contemplation on the principle that transcends physical existence. When such students abound in the world, India will regain its lost glory and laughter of pure joy will resound everywhere. God's Power alone protects the individual, the country, and the world. No other power has this capacity. Cultivate Divine Power. Divine Power does not grow within you, nor is it obtained from outside. It is natural to you. It is your true state. Hence, the Vedas proclaim, “The One exists in all beings (Ekovasi Sarva Bhoota Antaraatma).” First, get rid of your ego and develop humility. Listen peacefully and patiently to the words of elders, reflect upon them, and put them into practice. Do not allow ego to sprout because ego blinds.
Students! Of all the teachings you have heard during the past fourteen days, I hope you put at least a fraction into practice. With blessings, I bring My discourse to a close.”
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Sri Sathya Sai with Students at the Brindavan Campus Hostel Dining Hall for the evening dinner sessions |
Cultural programmes had been arranged on 5 evenings during the Course. Kadri Gopalakrishnan gave a saxophone recital rendering Tyagaraja Kritis. The students conducted a quiz programme based on Sri Sathya Sai’s life and teachings on 2nd evening.