How much percentage did you get?

Sunday, March 4, 2001 This morning, Swami gave watches to the Parthi village Seva Dals. In the evening,  after giving Darshan, Swami c...

Saism alone can usher A Golden Era for the World - By Arjun Kumar Sengupta

A person, who has overcome the trappings of his ego, is able to follow the precepts of selfless or universal love that Bhagavan teache...

Where is Happiness?

Friday, March 2, 2001 In the evening, Swami gave Padanamskar to a group of devotees from Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. After the intervie...

Sri Sathya Sai Shares Secret of The Brahmanda Lingam

Pandit Uma Maheshwara Shasthry and Veerabhadhra Shasthry both spoke on the  Principle of Godhead, (Bhagavad-Tattvam), as far as they had g...
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