Our loving Mother Sai showers infinite Grace upon us and washes away the dirt in our heart and mind. He paints us anew with love. He is love walking on two legs. His loving smile makes us transcend all our human limitations and attain bliss. What is more captivating, more thrilling than His loving and comforting smile?
We are roses present in His garden. We are the diamonds in His crown. Above all, we are His humble children. When it comes to us being His children and He being our Mother, His love surpasses the love of thousands and thousands of mothers.
At each step of our life, He is there to encourage us. However big our mistakes may be, He forgives us with His wonderful smile and gives us another opportunity. He is concerned about every single detail in our life.
Even though He is the king of all the worlds, He comes down to our level and talks and jokes with us. He talks like a close friend. Every word of His brings happiness to us. He feels so happy to be with us. Here are some of the instances of Love in action.
This incident took place one summer in Brindavan. One student told Bhagavan that his mother was not well and that he would be leaving the next day. Bhagavan told him not to worry and that He would give the boy Prasadam when he left. Next morning, at Darshan time, Bhagavan didn’t give the boy any Prasadam. So, he was confused as to what to do. He went back to his room after Darshan, packed his luggage and got ready to leave when something unexpected happened. Bhagavan had finished the interviews and sent a word for the boy whose mother was sick. The boy sprinted amidst the wonderstruck crowd into the Trayee building, where Bhagavan gave him Vibhuti. Later, Bhagavan took him inside and talked to him. He gave him an air ticket and sent him to the airport in His own car as per the arrangements already made for his journey!
One more... This occurred in October 1999, during the Dasera Celebrations. One day, Bhagavan sent an instruction that there would be no more discourses. This sent a wave of sorrow amongst all. The next day, the Warden of Brindavan hostel pleaded with Bhagavan and Bhagavan agreed to deliver the discourse. Bhagavan told that since no one was practicing His words, His talking was of no use. The next day, the Internet brought this out criticising the Students as the cause for all this. That day Bhagavan, in His Divine discourse, mentioned all this. He said, “My students are good. Who are they to criticise all my students?” What a shower of love that was!
Needless to say, great is the number of instances when Bhagavan took upon Himself the pains that we were supposed to experience. How our Lord takes all our troubles for the sake of our happiness. He in His humility tries to teach us. We may betray Him and give up. But He will never give up. Such is His infinite Love.
How insignificant in position or power are we when compared to people who come to Bhagavan. They are very important in the world. Yet our merciful Lord doesn’t leave us. He always gives us the primary importance. We are His property. We see many Ministers coming to Bhagavan. If Bhagavan transforms one, the whole state can be transformed. But how He always wants us to transform and lead a happy life.
When God wills nothing can stop Him. If Bhagavan wills, Bhagavan can complete His mission single-handedly. He has called us as His instruments for the simple reason that He wants us to enjoy participating in His mission.
There are numerous instances when Bhagavan shows immense concern and love for us students. This is the highest credit we can get while we walk on Earth. Bhagavan gives and gives us so much. What does He want from us? Only love and nothing else.
If we practice just one of His advices He feels so happy; just like the happiness of a mother when she sees her child walk for the first time. Just perform one small good deed and He feels so happy. He is all love and love alone. He gets nothing from us. But He loves us so much; so much that it can’t be put onto the paper; so much that it is beyond measurement; so much which lifts us to eternity. Here is a small saying of Bhagavan about love: “Food can appease your hunger, but love can fill you; ointments and bandages can be soothing, but love heals instantly.”
When we channelise ourselves with pure love towards Bhagavan, His heart melts like ice. Whatever we want if we aspire with that frequency of pure love, He instantly grants it. But if we do something very displeasing, He stands as hard as a diamond over the point and corrects us. In this connection I narrate an incident to show how Bhagavan takes upon Himself our pains.
This incident occurred around six to seven years back. It so happened that Bhagavan was not talking to the boys. So, they felt sad and some of them even decided that they wouldn’t take food. It continued for three days when on the fourth day a teacher reported this to Bhagavan replied, “Tell the boys that such practices won’t make Bhagavan happy. Tell them that even Bhagavan has not taken food for these three days.”
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Bhagavan loves everybody equally. He wants that everybody should excel in life and rise up to His expectations. God is a great examiner, a very strict examiner. Every moment our life we are undergoing the test of God: God always conducts such tests, because ‘Test is His Taste’. If somebody does a little better, He feels so happy and gives Him promotion certificate for higher examinations. Finally He bestows on us the medal of liberation.
If we sincerely concentrate, we’ll find that every moment on this Earth is a miracle enacted by our Sai. He is there within us every moment. When we cry, He cries with us. When we are happy, He is also happy. Such is the love of our Lord. Oh Lord! We are bound by Your love and we are bound forever.
Oh Mother! What are we compared to Your love? Mother, what are our merits compared to Your love; what are our achievements compared to Your love? We are nothing, nothing, and nothing - a drop in the ocean, a spot in the sky and nothing more. But Mother, You take care of us as if we were the ocean and the sky. What can explain Your Love? You love us, though we are the most insignificant ones. You fondle us like Your own child. You hold us in Your arms. Please bless us that we remain forever in You, with You and for You. Any earthquake, any tornado, any phenomenon can never break our bond. The bond, which exists between us, is the bond of love, and love alone. Mother, You are ours and we are Yours. Utilise and treat us and shape us as You will. We are for You and You are for us.
- P. S. Pramod
Alumnus, Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School
Prasanthi Nilayam
Currently, Senior Video Systems Engineer
San Diego, USA
Currently, Senior Video Systems Engineer
San Diego, USA
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