Sri Ramachandra was born on a day when the planet Shukra (Venus) enters Meena (Pisces). The month of His advent marks the beginning of Vasanta Ritu (Spring). It is the time when the sun enters Mesha Rashi (Aries). Sri Rama’s incarnation as a human being was for the purpose of promoting peace and happiness in the world. “Ramo Vigrahavaan Dharma” (Rama is the very embodiment of righteousness). It was as if Dharma itself had incarnated on earth. Dharma and Rama are inseparable.
- “The Name that Redeems”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 22, April 14, 1989, Kodaikanal
Rama, the child of Kaushalya was born at a most propitious moment – Uttarayana (the Divine Half-year), Chaitra month, the bright fortnight, the ninth day, the Punarvasu star, Monday, Simhalagna, (the zodiacal sign of the Lion) and the Abhijit period (the period of Victory), when the world was resting happily, when the weather was equable (neither hot, warm nor cold).
- “The Sons”, Ramakatha Rasavahini, Part 1
Sri Rama, who was the embodiment of Dharma, incarnated in human form. Because the Avatars come in human form, human beings could have intimate relationships with them and adore them.
- “Imbibe Bharat’s Ideals”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 27, February 3, 1994, Prasanthi Nilayam
The common people can derive no benefit if the Formless Absolute remains in Kailasha or Vaikuntha. It is not possible to worship the Formless Absolute. Hence, the Rama Avatar appeared in human form to enable humanity to experience the Formless in a form which is accessible to them and helpful to them.
- “Ideals of the Rama Avatar”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 24, March 24, 1991, Prasanthi Nilayam
Rama means “He who pleases”, “He who fills with Ananda”, “He who is the spring of Ananda in every heart”. So, when you repeat Rama Nama, you are but touching the very source of Ananda, the Atma-Rama (God as Self).
- “Pappu and Uppu”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 5, April 19, 1965, Prasanthi Nilayam
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Naming ceremony of Lord Rama and His Brothers |
- “Power of the Divine Name”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 25, March 02, 1992, Prasanthi Nilayam
Three powers are embodied in the name Rama. Rama – Ra+Aa+Ma. Ra represents Agni (the Fire-God). Agni (the God of Fire) will burn our sins to ashes. Aa represents Surya (the Sun-God). The Sun-God destroys our ignorance. Ma represents Chandra (the Moon). The Moon cools the agitations of the heart. Moreover, the name Rama embodies also the Vedic pronouncement “Tat Twam Asi” (That Thou Art). Ra is “Tat” and Ma is “Twam”. The essence of the Vedas and the Shastras is contained in the Divine name. The Supreme significance of the name ‘Rama’ is borne out also by Sankhya Shastra (the Science of Numerology). According to this science, the letters Ra+Aa+Ma make up seven according to their numerical equivalents. Seven is a sacred number as is evident from the sacredness of Sapta Rishis (the seven sages), the seven colours of the rainbow, the seven Swaras (notes of Indian music) and the seven days of the week.
- “Towards Human Unity”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 21, October 20, 1988, Prasanthi Nilayam
What is the meaning of the word Rama? ‘Ra’ means the individual self and ‘Ma’ means Divinity. The combination of the individual and the Divine is Rama. The name of Rama indicates the individual and Divinity. In the Bhagavad Gita, there is the ‘Kshetra-Kshetrajna Vibhaga Yoga’. Kshetra means body, Kshetrajna is God. This is called ‘Akshara Brahma Swarupa’. Many think Akshara means letter. In Vedantic parlance Akshara means that which is imperishable. That which is perishable is also there and that which is imperishable is also there. Akshara therefore is the combination of both individual and God. ‘Aa’ means Atma, ‘Kshara’ means the one which is perishable. ‘Aa’ means imperishable and ‘Kshara’ means perishable. Both are there in the word. Transient and eternal, both are there in the word. Rama is the combination of both individual and Divine principle.
- “The Glory of the Lord’s Name”, My Dear Students, Volume 5, December 7, 1995, Prasanthi Nilayam
The term ‘Rama’ means one who is pleasing and lovable. ‘Ayana’ means movement or journey. ‘Ra’ refers to Atma and ‘Ma’ refers to mind. The Rama Principle means merging the mind in the Atma. ‘Ramayana’ means suffusing the world with the bliss of the Rama Principle. But it is not Sri Rama alone that is involved in this process, Sita is also an epic personality. ‘Rama’ is another name for Sita. The Ramayana is thus a joint epic of Rama and Sita or Sita-Rama Ramayanam.
- “The Play of the Divine”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 20, April 7, 1987, Prasanthi Nilayam
In the Treta Yuga, the Divine elements were on one side and the demonic elements on the other. At the time of the Rama Avatar the Divine elements were in Ayodhya and Kishkindha and the demonic forces were in the forest of Dandakaranya. The two elements were in separate regions. Rama waged a war against the Rakshasas in Dandakaranya and protected the Rishis. This is the inner meaning of the Rama Avatar in the Treta Yuga.
- “God and You are One”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 20, July 11, 1987, Prasanthi Nilayam
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