India’s economic problems can be traced to low motivation, morale, and commitment of people. During India’s independence struggle, many leaders and elders worked for the liberation of Bharat [i] from the clutches of foreign rule [ii]. Drawing inspiration from the leaders of the movement, many educated youth, students and children came forward and participated in the freedom struggle. India became an independent nation owing to the concerted efforts and sacrifices of such selfless leaders. In the post-independence era, it appears that few are geared up for the kind of sacrifices made during the Indian freedom movement. Likewise in the world as long as tribulations exist, people will be motivated to do anything to accomplish the cherished goals.
Leaders who shaped India in the pre-Independence era |
Today, countries such as USA and Switzerland [iii] are regarded as affluent nations in the world. With increased affluence, however, determination and commitment towards work seem to be on the decline. People have become slaves of social comforts and other luxuries and the victims of depression. Sensual pleasures tantamount to self-liquidation. Animals, birds, and insects alone focus only on sensual pleasures. People in the affluent nations today do not have peace of mind; suicides and divorces are very common. Of late, people of affluent nations have realised that, ‘Happiness does not depend on the worldly possessions or affluence alone but it depends on control of desires’. Therefore, modern man should enforce a voluntary ‘Ceiling on Desires’ [iv].
Winston Churchill |
The lasting solutions to economic problems can be found only in spirituality. It was Churchill who said, “Man has conquered the whole world, but he has not conquered himself”. All said and done, this seems to be the contemporary state of affairs of majority of the people all over the world. Similar is the status of International Finance. Each economist is putting forth his own school of economic thought, which is not able to have a potent influence on the economic composition. In day-to-day life, a thing that is successful one day will meet with failure the next day. However, this may not be the case with spiritual matters wherein success begets success. Divinity is perfection and there is no possibility for diminution or addition with reference to perfection of Divinity. One can achieve a lot if the Divine principle is always nurtured in one’s heart and there is a constant awareness of it.
Secular education is also essential but it is the responsibility of the teachers to maintain this awareness among students by means of proper instruction besides personal example / role modelling. If preservation is ensured, production also increases. The only way to decrease prices is to increase production. If prices are controlled, the rupee value also will not decline. Rupee value has declined because of the decline in human values. Sensual pleasures which are the main cause for the decline of human values ruin nations as well as individuals.
[i] India is also referred to as Bharat and Hindustan.
[ii] India was a British colony and was under British rule for over three centuries. India became an independent country on August 15, 1947.
[iii] Baba referred to these two countries only in a symbolic way to represent affluent nations in the world.
[iv] Through His ‘Ceiling on Desires’ Programme, Baba stressed on the need for individuals to put a check on their desires and restrain themselves from ostentatious and conspicuous consumption. He does not stop at this and says that not only should one give those in need from the excess resources at one’s disposal, but also one should share from that which (s)he is currently consuming in the spirit of ‘Brotherhood of Man’. Thus the ‘Ceiling on Desires’ Programme is a practical extension of the Gandhian concept of Trusteeship.
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